
4 Common Spring Lawn Diseases in Louisville KY

Written by Chris O'Bryan | Jan 16, 2023 3:29:08 PM

Your lawn is important to you and for that reason, you don’t want to see it succumb to problems like lawn diseases. One of the most frustrating aspects of grass diseases is that you might be doing all the right things and disease can still creep in.

Fortunately, there are solutions.

In this article, we’ll talk about common spring lawn diseases in Louisville and how you can deal with them. Understanding a bit more about these potential issues can help set you up for success in treating them.

Understanding the Lawn Disease Triangle

Before we dive into the common spring lawn diseases in Louisville, we want to talk about how and why diseases can occur in the first place. 

Turfgrass experts often use the “Lawn Disease Triangle” as a way to explain how grass diseases can start. 

Lawn disease is the result of three factors:

  • A disease-causing organism (fungus)
  • A susceptible host (grass species)
  • A favorable environment (moist, warm weather)

If all of these factors align, then disease can emerge…even if you have been doing “all the right things” for your lawn. That’s not to say that there aren’t ways that you can mitigate risk, but we want to be clear that lawn disease can even occur on healthy lawns. 

Fortunately, there are some important things that you can do. But it all starts with identifying what you’re dealing with. Let’s look at some of the most common spring lawn diseases in Louisville.

#1: Red Thread

This spring lawn fungus is often one of the first diseases to emerge in the early spring. It is characterized by the reddish/pinkish coloring that occurs when this fungus invades the lawn.

Grass impacted by Red Thread may appear ragged or dying. Once the grass does die, it typically turns to a yellow, straw-like color and consistency. You’ll often see Red Thread show up in patches throughout the lawn, but like other grass diseases, it can spread.

#2: Dollar Spot

Like Red Thread, this is another lawn fungus that gets its name from its appearance. Dollar Spot will show up as greenish/yellowish lesions that look like irregular circles about the size of a silver dollar.

Typically, you may notice a brown border around each “spot.” While these spots start out silver dollar-sized, they can quickly grow and even start running together, creating large areas of diseased turf. 

#3: Brown Patch

If you have brown patches in the lawn, one possible culprit is Brown Patch disease. This lawn disease is caused by the moisture-loving fungus Rhizoctonia Solani, and it can affect all cool-season grasses.

Brown Patch can start out as small areas of brown grass but can spread rapidly if left unchecked. Though it can pop up in the late spring, this disease is most common in the mid-to late-summer when the weather is at its hottest.

Keep in mind that Brown Patch disease is not the only source of brown patches in the lawn. Brown patches can also occur from insect damage, environmental stressors, and other lawn diseases. 

Since the symptoms of various lawn problems tend to overlap, it’s important that you get a professional diagnosis. 

#4: Fairy Ring

This disease sounds whimsical…however, we can assure you it is anything but fun! The name comes from old folklore when it was believed that a Fairy Ring on the lawn was caused by a fairy dancing there.

In reality, it is caused by fungal growth on the lawn.

Fairy Rings sometimes pop up in areas where trees were removed, which is a reason that we advocate for stump removal. Tree stumps that are left in the ground will decay over time which can lead to this problem. 

However, it’s not just stumps that lead to this disease. Fairy Ring can also be caused when debris like leaves and twigs are left in the yard. A build-up of thatch can also lead to Fairy Ring. Anything that decays in the yard is a potential source of trouble. 

Dealing with Common Spring Lawn Diseases

If you are dealing with one or more of these lawn diseases…or you are worried about them…the good news is that there are solutions.

One way to address many types of spring lawn fungus is with professional applications of fungicides. Fungicides can help stop a fungus from spreading, which is critically important as a small patch of disease can quickly take over a large area of your turf if left untreated. 

At Limbwalker, our Gold and Platinum lawn care plans include free fungus control. Fungus control can also be added to our Silver plan, or you could upgrade to a higher-level plan.

In addition, good cultural habits can also play a role in lawn disease management. For instance, watering habits can have a significant impact on the growth of fungus. Since fungus grows and thrives in wet conditions, you’ll want to avoid overwatering your lawn.

It’s also important to pay attention to timing. Watering late in the day or at night can create conditions optimal for fungal growth since the water doesn’t have time to evaporate. Instead, water your lawn in the early morning, giving your lawn’s roots plenty of time to take in what they need before the rest evaporates. 

A strong lawn care program will also help you fend off disease. Healthy grass can better stand up against grass diseases. While some diseases may still creep in, they won’t ravage your lawn the way they could with grass that is already struggling. 

Red Thread tends to thrive in lawns that are low in nitrogen so proper fertilization can play a role in keeping this disease at bay. 
Of course, Brown Patch can spread when too much fertilizer is added. This is why fertilization is best left to a professional who will ensure that just the right amount is applied at the right time. It really can be a delicate balance. Too much fertilizer can be as much of a problem for spreading disease as too little.

At the end of the day, lawn disease management can be complicated, which is why it’s best dealt with by a professional lawn care technician. While we know that lawn diseases can cause a lot of stress, one of the great benefits of partnering with a pro is that you can hand the worries over to them. They’ll know exactly what to look for and how to handle it. 

One of the keys to success in treating lawn disease is early detection. This is why our technicians are constantly keeping a watchful eye on your lawn. But we also understand sometimes things come up in-between visits. This is why we encourage keeping the lines of communication open. If you see something on your lawn that concerns you, we want to know.

In the end, all of this adds up to peace of mind. While grass diseases might be lurking, you know that you’re covered. 

Are you ready to have a thick and healthy lawn that’s getting everything it needs at your Louisville, KY home? Get in touch with us to get a quote for our lawn care programs, which include three lawn care pricing options.