
Stop Falling for These 5 Lawn Care Myths

Written by Chris O'Bryan | Sep 21, 2022 7:02:49 PM

When it comes to taking care of your lawn, we know that you want to make wise choices. But that can be easier said than done when there are so many lawn care myths circulating that are simply not true.

Sometimes those myths are harmless but other times they can actually cause problems.

That’s why we’re here to help. In our interactions with homeowners in Louisville, KY we get to hear a lot about the diferent lawn care myths that are out there. We don’t want to see you waste time, money, or effort on things that simply aren’t going to work.

Lawn Care Myths to Avoid

Some of these lawn care myths have become so prevalent that we’ve even seen them mentioned in other articles as though they were true. There’s nothing more frustrating when false information is circulating so we’re here to help.

We’ll admit, we wish some of these worked! Wouldn’t it be nice if putting sugar on a lawn did the same job as fertilizer? But just like most things in life, if it sounds too good to be true…it probably is.

Here we’ll help you debunk myths like sugar on a lawn and more.

#1: Sugar on Lawn Makes Grass Greener

This lawn care myth is really circulating right now so we know you might have heard it…and maybe even tried it. The idea is that everything likes sugar, including microorganisms, so they will consume the sugar and make your grass greener as they do so.

It sure sounds good. And as we said above, in many ways we wish it were that easy. We understand that lawn care myths like this one often come from a place of wanting to be as eco-friendly as possible.

But the reality is that only iron can make a lawn greener. A lawn without the right amount of iron will begin to turn yellow. That’s why lawn fertilization is so important.

A problem with putting sugar on a lawn is that it can actually lead to fungal growth.

#2: Beer on Lawn Gets Rid of Brown Spots

Ok, so sugar on the lawn doesn’t make your grass greener…but can beer on the lawn get rid of brown spots?

This is another lawn care myth that we’ve heard is circulating and the idea is that beer can act as a natural fungicide and kill fungal spores.

Unfortunately, dumping beer on your lawn is going to do a whole lot of nothing—except for waste a can of brew that you could have otherwise enjoyed!

In reality, fungi are incredibly intelligent and quite difficult to control. Dumping beer on the lawn is simply not an effective solution. Again, we wish it were that easy. We understand the sentiment behind many of these ideas but we don’t want to see you waste your time, money…or beer…on them!

#3: Salt Gets Rid of Weeds

Weeds are an enormous sense of frustration but you might be looking for a natural way to control them. The idea that salt will get rid of weeds is another one of these lawn care myths that has been born out of the quest for natural solutions.

Unfortunately salt is not an effective weed control solution. Not only that, but it can really destroy your soil health! You might remember back to your Social Studies days in the classroom where Mesopotamia’s salty soil was the downfall of their civilization!

Do you really want to be dumping table salt all over your yard?

Salt is bad for the soil because your grassplants end up absorbing it instead of the nutrients that they really need. And there is no way to pinpoint just your lawn weeds with salt.

There are other lawn care myths that deal with weed control…including vinegar and clove oil. While spraying weeds with these can burn the leaves of the weed, it’s also going to burn your grass! Plus, these types of homemade concoctions don’t kill the weed’s roots (it only kills the plant at the surface).

That means it’s going to just keep coming back. Plus you’ll have a deadspot in your yard where the grass was also harmed. This gives the weeds plenty of room to grow!

#4: Watering at Night Won’t Cause Any Harm

Most people are shocked to realize that there is a best time of the day to water…and that’s in the morning. Watering at night can actually be problematic because it increases the likelihood of fungal growth. When water is left to sit on the lawn overnight it can create just the right conditions for fungus spores to begin to grow (and spread!).

Something as seemingly harmless as watering at night can potentially cause you big trouble!

Instead, aim to water your lawn in the early morning. This gives your lawn plenty of time to soak in the water…allowing it to percolate down to the root zone where it’s needed. Then any excess water can be evaporated.

But if you water in the heat of the day, too much water might be lost to evaporation or wind before the roots have had their time to drink it up.

We understand why people often water at night. It’s hard to get up early and add a task to your to-do list before work. But get a sprinkler and set a timer if you can’t be out there doing it yourself. You want to make sure you’re taking care of your lawn the right way.

#5: Gimmicky Products on Social Media

There are all sorts of lawn care products that we see circulating on social media and these usually also fall into the “too good to be true” category. So often these types of products are advertised in a way that makes them really enticing. But they just don’t work. We always hate to see people disappointed by overpromises. And we also hate to see them waste time and money on something that doesn’t work.

What DOES Work?

Okay, so we just debunked a bunch of lawn care myths that you might have tried or been thinking about trying. In fact, maybe you stumbled on this article because you were trying to figure out how to apply sugar or beer to your lawn.

As we said before, we do understand why people try these types of “natural“ methods. And as a company that really does care about being eco-friendly and making green spaces better, we can appreciate the sentiment.

But what does work is a relationship with a professional who can help guide you on how to take care of your lawn properly.

That means using professional-grade lawn care products that are applied properly. It also means providing you with guidance on any lawn care tasks that you handle yourself (such as watering).

You shouldn’t have to feel as though you’re totally on your own in taking care of your lawn. When you partner with a pro, they’re there to not only take some tasks off your plate but to provide you with advice on the aspects that you handle.

At the end of the day, that should make life easier for you while also helping you to get the lawn care results you really desire. With the right approach to lawn care, you’ll be on a much better path to enjoying more time outside and truly loving your lawn to the fullest!

Are you ready to have a thick and healthy lawn at your Louisville, KY home? Get in touch with us to get a quote for our lawn care programs, which include three lawn care pricing options.