
Is Lawn Care Safe for My Kids?

Written by Chris O'Bryan | Dec 19, 2023 1:47:50 PM

When it comes to the safety of your family, there’s no room for compromise. That’s why you might be asking, Is lawn care safe? 

As much as you care about a thick, healthy, green lawn, you would never want to do anything to risk your family’s safety. 

The good news is that lawn care is safe, particularly when you work with a professional company that uses safe products and follows best practices.

In this article, we’ll talk about how we use safe grass fertilizer and other products that won’t pose unnecessary risks.

Is Lawn Care Safe? Yes! When Safe Products are Used

There’s no getting around the fact that lawn care programs are going to be as safe as the products used.

While we can’t speak to what other lawn care companies in Louisville, KY are doing, we can tell you that at Limbwalker, we only invest in high-quality, safe products. We’re not cutting corners or choosing cheap products. 

Our products are rigorously (and regularly) tested by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 

This includes safe grass fertilizer, weed control products, and more.

Along with that, you should know that our lawn care program is an organic-based program because it successfully controls weeds while reducing chemical use as compared to our competitors. We’ll talk more about that in the next point.

We’re committed to performing lawn care in a way that is safe for you and your family while also delivering the best results.

Lawn Care is Safe When Products are Applied Properly 

When it comes to lawn care safety, it’s not only a matter of the products being used, but also how they are applied. Because of that, it’s important to work with a lawn care service that uses best practices. 

That starts with advising clients to keep children and pets inside during our treatment. But our products are safe once fully dried. That is because as the liquid material dries, it is absorbed (or “bonded”) to the surface of the grass plants. 

This means it will not get picked up on the children’s bare feet or feet…or on your pet’s paws. 

Usually, our products dry within an hour, and on a hot day, it might be even faster. But for prudence’s sake, we might suggest waiting up to two hours on an application day to make sure that everything has fully dried. 

At Limbwalker, we also have a “Least Chemical Philosophy.” 

It is our goal to minimize the herbicides that we apply to your property by only treating individual weeds. Other companies will blanket spray your entire yard because it’s faster and easier. But we believe in a targeted approach.

You should also know that the folks at Limbwalker are highly trained. By using skilled workers who are trained in proper application methods, we can ensure that lawn care products are applied the way they were meant to be applied. This makes a big difference in lawn care safety.

Is DIY Lawn Care Safe?

When talking about safe lawn care, sometimes people assume that DIY products are a better choice. But because safety often comes down to proper application, this now puts the burden on your shoulders to do everything properly.

And just because you’ve purchased store-bought products does not necessarily make them safer. If you misapply a “safe product,” it’s not going to be safe any longer.

When you tackle lawn care on your own, the onus is also on you to handle chemicals and store them when you’re done. If you’re sticking products in your garage or shed, you now have to worry about whether your children might have access to them. 

But when you have a pro handle your lawn care, you won’t have to worry about the application of the storage of lawn care products that could put your kids in danger. All of that burden is removed.

You should also get better results from a high-quality program, which means slowly backing off of product usage over time. Going along with our “Least Chemical Philosophy,” you’ll start to have a thick and healthy lawn that naturally chokes out weeds. 

But when you’re handling lawn care on your own, you might find yourself in an endless cycle of having to apply more and more products (because it was a lower-quality product to begin with).

Choosing Safe Lawn Care in Lousiville KY

At the end of the day, your choice of lawn care companies in Louisville, KY will have a lot to do with how safe it is. You ultimately want to choose a company that cares. That will make a huge difference in the safety of their services.

In other words, a company that cares about your expectations, your results, and your safety.


The sad truth is that many lawn care providers get a bad reputation for rushing through their work. They blanket spray products to speed up the process and try to get on and off your property as quickly as possible. 

You never actually get to know them, and they never get to know you. You’re just a number on their list of jobs to get done in the day.

Many companies also invest in poorly trained people that they don’t have to pay well. But that often leads to subpar practices and poor results.

At Limbwalker, we aim to do things differently. Not only do we truly get to know and care for the homeowners we’re partnering with, but we also take safety incredibly seriously. We focus on training our team members so that they are using best practices. 

And, we invest in weed control and lawn fertilizer that is safe.

Just like you, we have kids in our lives that we care about. We are parents, uncles, aunts, and grandparents to children in the community and we understand your safety concerns.

When it comes to making sure lawn care is safe, you must be selective in choosing the lawn care company that will work on your property. A great lawn should never come in the way of protecting your family.

Fortunately, with your wise decision, it doesn’t have to. You can have the best of both worlds…a beautiful lawn that is also safe to spend time on.

Are you ready to have a thick, healthy, safe lawn that’s getting everything it needs at your Louisville, KY home? Get in touch with us to get a quote for our lawn care programs, which include three lawn care pricing options.