technician looking at property with customer for bugs

Perimeter Pest Control: How to Get Rid of 8 Common Unwanted Guests

Are worries about household pests keeping you from enjoying peace and relaxation at your home? 

If you’re like many people, you don’t want to think about bugs lurking in your house. Unfortunately, we are greatly outnumbered by bugs. Pets like ants, spiders, and centipedes are found in great numbers…and many of them will eventually make their way inside if given the chance.

The good news is that there are ways to keep these pests out. Perimeter pest control is an effective solution that will keep unwanted houseguests away. 

It works on pests like:

  1. Ants
  2. Cockroaches
  3. Centipedes
  4. Millipedes
  5. Spiders
  6. Silverfish
  7. Crickets
  8. Stinkbugs

These are some of the most common invaders found in Louisville. In this article, we will discuss how perimeter pest spray helps to keep them away.

What is Perimeter Pest Control?

Perimeter pest control works by using pest control products to create a “shield” around your property that prevents pests from entering in the first place. This is a proactive approach that helps to keep bugs out before they even have a chance to get in.

This approach differs from extermination services, which deal with pests already present in your home. Given the rapid breeding and multiplication of pests, the concept behind perimeter pest control is to tackle them before they infiltrate your living space. The pest control product is applied externally, reinforcing the shield analogy.

When considering investing in perimeter insect control, it’s worth considering the safety. The key is to work with a professional pest control service. 

Well-trained technicians are adept at identifying specific areas on the property where product application will yield optimal results. Rather than indiscriminately covering the entire property, the focus is on targeted zones frequented by pests in their attempts to infiltrate. This strategic approach minimizes unnecessary product usage.

The fact that these products are applied outside of your home (as opposed to inside, as an exterminator might do), is an added layer of comfort.

pest control technician with customer doing inspection 3

What Louisville Pests Does Perimeter Pest Control Cover?

Perimeter insect control works on a number of pests but generally, people are most concerned about 8 pests that are common invaders here in Louisville.

Ants: Ants are the most common insect in the entire world so it’s no surprise they’re also found in our area. The most common ants found inside people’s homes are the odorous house ants. These are those dark brown or black ants you’ve likely seen running across a kitchen counter or in the bathroom. They have a distinct odor when crushed (hence their name).

carpenter ants pest

Cockroaches: These pests are common household invaders as they are constantly in search of food. That’s why they are frequently found in kitchens (and sometimes restaurants!). They can carry and transmit disease so they are a pest you do not want around.

roach pest outdoors

Centipedes: Also referred to as “thousand leggers,” these pests tend to come inside when it’s either too wet or too dry. They like their living conditions “just right” and will easily cozy up in your home if given the chance. These pests tend to give people the creeps given all their legs!

centipede pest

Millipedes: Millipedes generally show up in damp spaces like crawl spaces, basements, or garages. This is another pest that gives a “creepy crawly” feeling because of all their legs. They belong to the same subphylum of arthropods as Centipedes called “Myriapoda.” It’s a Greek word meaning “countless feet.”

Spiders: Even though most spiders are not poisonous, this pest is typically one of the most feared. These eight-legged creatures are not actually insects but are “arachnids.” Here in Louisville, we have many types of spiders, including Brown Recluses and Black Widows. It’s important to keep these dangerous spiders out of your home and garage areas.

Brown Recluse spider

Silverfish: These pests are found all over the world. They tend to prefer dark and damp spaces so you might find them in basements and bathrooms. They have shiny silver bodies that make them resemble fish.

silverfish pest

Crickets: Crickets are a pest that likes to “overwinter” in a warm space. That’s why these pests tend to make their way inside as the weather cools down in fall and winter. They will hide during the day and usually become active at night. At night, you might hear a cricket chirping from somewhere within your house.

Stinkbugs: Stinkbugs (which get their name from the stinky smell they can release) are another pest that likes to “overwinter” in a warm space. If they can find their way inside your home, they’ll be likely to stay there as long as possible.

Stink bug

Understanding Your Investment in Perimeter Pest Control

At Limbwalker, we have 3 perimeter pest control packages so that you can choose what is right for you. This includes the Silver, Gold, and Platinum packages. Each package includes 4 visits so that you are seasonally covered during different times of the year when different pests are active.

  • The Silver package includes proactive treatments to the foundation exterior and the first floor windows and doors. These are the most common entry points for invaders.

  • The Gold package is the same program as Silver except also including complimentary re-treatments as needed.

  • The Platinum package includes everything in Silver and Gold plus spider dusting and exterior fly traps.

We can help you choose the best package based on your wants and needs.  

If you’re concerned about pests, professional pest control is going to be your best solution. But that’s not to say that there are no steps you can also take yourself to help reduce the chance of pests coming in.

Some of the things you can do include:

  • Eliminate entry points. Seal cracks and patch holes that pests are finding their way through.

  • Inspect packages. Many pests, like roaches, make their way inside via packages. It’s an easy way to hitch a ride into a home. Give your packages a quick look-over before bringing them in.

  • Maintain a tidy property. Pay attention to landscaping around the foundation of your home as this is a spot where pests might make their way inside. For instance, keep leaves cleaned up in plant beds around the foundation.

  • Store food and clean crumbs. Many pests come inside in search of food. Make sure to store food in sealed containers. Wipe down your countertops and vacuum up crumbs regularly. Also, be sure to keep up with removing the garbage.

family inside kitchen

When you combine efforts like these with professional perimeter pest control, you’re greatly increasing the chances that you’ll keep pests out.

Choosing Perimeter Pest Control Services in Louisville, KY 

When it comes to choosing pest control in Louisville, KY, you have options. But it’s important to recognize that not all services are the same.

You want to make sure you’re choosing a company that has your best interest at heart. As with any service that you’re paying for, you want to make sure that you’re investing in a company that is going to do it right and help you get the best results.

At Limbwalker, this is what we refer to as the “Limbwalker Difference.” It means that our focus is on providing excellent customer service and results. 

Along with that mindset, we’re committed to going above and beyond to ensure your satisfaction. In addition to applying pest control products to help keep bugs out of your home, we’ll also provide helpful recommendations and advice that will allow you to better address your problems. 

At the end of the day, we want you to have peace of mind that these 8 unwanted houseguests we’ve discussed won’t keep you from enjoying time at home.


Are you ready to stop worrying about unwanted pests at your Louisville, KY home? Get in touch with us to get a quote for our perimeter pest control services.

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Chris O'Bryan

Chris O'Bryan

Chris grew up in Louisville, KY. He holds a Forestry degree from the The University of Kentucky and a Master's Degree in Economics from Clemson University. He is a Certified Arborist and 5-time Kentucky Tree Climbing Champion. When not at work, he has fun with his family, enjoys traveling, one-wheeling, and working in his yard.

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