As the weather begins to cool down and people start spending more time in their homes, they might notice that creepy crawlies are making their way inside, too. Just like people, unwanted pests prefer the comforts of the indoors.
They don’t have to deal with the chilly weather and can often find what they need to hunker down and take up residence.
While there are many different types of bugs that might come inside, some of the ones that we see most often in the fall include:
It’s important to understand how to keep pests away from a house, as unwanted pests like the ones mentioned above are quite likely to hang around.
In this article, we’ll talk more about these 6 common fall pests and how to keep them away.
People often think of ants as being a warm weather problem but the truth is, cooler weather will often draw them inside. Ants are cold-blooded creatures and do need an external source of heat for survival. As a result, they might become unwanted house guests as temperatures turn colder.
Ants are also always in search of food. This is a common reason why ants are often found in the kitchen. Even if you keep a tidy home, ants might be scavenging for the tiniest hidden crumbs.
Roaches are definitely a summer pest as they tend to thrive in warm and humid conditions. There are definitely a lot more roaches present during the summer. That being said, fall is a time when they might find their way inside, in search of warmth.
Cockroaches are one of the world’s most resilient creatures and can be really hard to get rid of once they’ve established themselves inside your house. You’ll want to do what you can to keep roaches out in the first place.
Spider activity increases in the fall because this is mating season. As a result, you are going to see a lot more spiders during the fall month. While that might seem fitting with Halloween, we know you don’t want these unwanted pests lurking around your home.
You might notice that spiders tend to build their webs around light sources, as these draw in flying pests for them to catch and eat. These light sources tend to be close or attached to the home, which makes it easier for spiders to come inside. Once they’ve found a cozy corner in your house, they might be inclined to hang around.
House centipedes are multi-legged creatures that can run fast and be difficult to capture. Just the look of these creepy crawlies tends to make people feel unsettled.
Like other unwanted pests, centipedes typically come indoors for two main reasons: Food and shelter. In the cooler weather, centipedes might just be looking for a warm space to hunker down in.
Crickets are a pest that like to “overwinter” in a warm space. So, while you still might find crickets outside in the fall, as the temperatures really start to drop come winter, they’ll likely make their way inside if they can.
Pests like crickets tend to find their way inside via cracks and crevices around the home and in your foundation. They might also sneak through open doors, ripped screens, and other small openings.
Stinkbugs (which get their name from the stinky smell they can release) are another pest that likes to “overwinter” in a warm space. If they are able to find their way inside your home, they’ll be likely to stay there.
Stinkbugs tend to be the most active from March through September, particularly if they have a warm space to hang around.
When it comes to how to keep pests away from a house, much of the same advice applies during the fall that it does during other seasons.
For one, you’ll want to find and eliminate potential entry points.
Pests have to get into your home somehow. They commonly make their way inside via cracks and holes which they can easily slip through.
You should make an effort to seal cracks where you can. Also, patch holes in screens and consider installing weather stripping around doors. While it’s tough to fully eliminate entry points (after all, these pests can squeeze through very tiny spaces), it’s worth the effort to try and reduce your pest concerns.
You’ll also want to make sure that you are properly storing your food. As we mentioned, unwanted pests come inside in search of both food and shelter. If you can try to eliminate those food sources, it can help.
But as we’ve said, even the tiniest crumbs can be found by pests, so clean homes are not immune to pest problems.
It’s a key reason why you also need to invest in fall pest control. While people tend to have pest control more on their radar during the spring and summer months when pests are so active outside, the fall can still be an issue. Since the cooler weather may actually be drawing more pests into your home, this is a time to keep pest control on your radar.
We recommend Perimeter Pest Control, which works by creating a “shield” around your property that prevents pests from entering in the first place.
We know that when people think about pest control, they often think of an exterminator. But Perimeter Pest Control has some serious advantages. The focus of a program like this is on “prevention.” That means keeping unwanted pests from ever making it inside at all.
Perimeter Pest Control also involves treating the outside of your home instead of the inside. People prefer this over having chemicals inside of their homes. And since it’s all outside, you don’t have to be home to receive treatment.
When it comes to choosing pest control in Louisville, KY, you have options. But it’s important to recognize that not all services are the same.
You want to make sure you’re choosing a company that has your best interest at heart. As with any service that you’re paying for, you want to make sure that you’re investing in a company that is going to do it right and help you get the best results.
At Limbwalker, we care deeply about delivering the best possible service and results. We know that unwanted pests make people uncomfortable and it takes away from enjoying their homes to the fullest. But we feel you deserve peace of mind.
Our Perimeter Pest Control program covers all 6 of the common fall pests talked about in this article, as well as others. This allows homeowners to let go of their anxieties and feel confident that they’re in good hands.
Are you ready to stop worrying about unwanted pests at your Louisville, KY home? Get in touch with us to get a quote for our perimeter pest control services.