
4 Things to Do After Power Seeding

Written by Chris O'Bryan | Aug 29, 2023 12:46:21 PM

If you’ve just had power seeding performed, you might have some questions about how to care for new grass at your Louisville home. 

Those new seedlings are going to be more fragile than the rest of your lawn, and caring for the new grass will be important when it comes to helping it grow.

In this article, we’ll provide a few helpful tips on caring for a new lawn. Understanding how to take care of new grass can make a world of difference in your results.

#1: Water Three Times a Day for the First 2 Weeks

In caring for new grass, one of the MOST vital things that you can do is proper watering. Since water is the lifeblood of all living things, it’s an essential element to the healthy growth and maturing of your grass.

For the first two weeks following power seeding, you should water for 15 minutes three times daily in order to keep the ground damp. It’s important to make sure that your grass seed stays moist so that it can start to germinate. 

The goal is to keep the seed moist but to avoid overwatering. You don’t want to wash out that new seed.

After 2 weeks have passed, you can switch to watering your normal schedule of 45 minutes three times a week.

#2: Mow After One Month 

For the first month following power seeding, you’ll want to minimize foot traffic on your new lawn. You also want to avoid mowing.

After one month, you can mow at a four-inch height, which is the highest setting on the mower.

It’s important to remember that mowing can put stress on your lawn. In general, mowing the lawn too short or not mowing frequently enough are two common mistakes that homeowners make. 

But when it comes to mowing after power seeding, you want to give your lawn a break.

#3: Keep Leaves Off the New Grass

Another important step in caring for new grass is to keep leaves and other debris off of it. 

That’s because your lawn needs sunlight to grow and thrive. But leaves can block the sun from reaching your grass. This is true for a mature lawn, too, so it’s always valuable to get leaves raked up before they can cause any trouble. Leaves also commonly become home to “critters” if left lingering on your lawn long enough.

However, a new lawn is particularly fragile and really needs access to sunlight. Without it, your seeds might fail to even germinate. 

Ideally, you want to rake ahead of a power seeding service. But if a heavy leaf fall has occurred after power seeding, cautiously remove those leaves. You want to be careful to disturb the new grass growth as little as possible so take care in raking or blowing leaves off your lawn. You want to try to avoid raking up (or blowing away) any of that new grass seed. 

#4: Keep Up With Your Regularly Scheduled Lawn Care Program

Promoting healthy new grass also means keeping up with your regularly scheduled lawn care program. 

The fall is an important time for fertilization. The final rounds of fertilizer will help set your lawn up for success ahead of going into dormancy for the winter. This also enhances its future performance when it “greens up” next spring.

Depending on when your power seeding was scheduled, there may be one or two more rounds of fertilizer left. 

Your lawn care professional will make sure that the right services are performed at the right time so that you get the best possible results.

Get Set Up for Success in Caring for New Lawn 

There can be a lot involved in caring for new grass. But when you work with a lawn care professional, it’s not something you have to figure out on your own.

At Limbwalker, we want to make everything as easy and successful for you as possible. That’s why we’ll help set you up with all the tips that you need to prepare for caring for your new lawn.

We also perform quality checks for all of our clients who have had power seeding to make sure that the new grass is growing as it should. During that time we might make additional recommendations. 

This is not a common occurrence in our industry but it speaks to why we’re in lawn care in the first place. We truly do care about delivering amazing results.

Generally, where people have the most issue is keeping up with daily (twice per day) watering. 

We recognize that it’s a pain to water this frequently in the beginning but it’s truly vital to help that new grass germinate and grow healthy and strong. Maybe you can find a neighborhood kid who would be interested in making a few bucks if it’s not something you have the time for yourself.

Hopefully, these tips have helped prepare you for how to take care of new grass. But if there are any additional questions that we can answer about fall lawn seeding, we are always here to help.


Are you ready to have a thick and healthy lawn that’s getting everything it needs at your Louisville, KY home? Get in touch with us to get a quote for our lawn care programs, which include three lawn care pricing options, and about adding power seeding to one of those programs.