The trees in your residential landscape can be subject to a number of different problems. If you are noticing signs of stress in your tree, you might be wondering what’s going on and whether there is anything you can do about it.
One of the common problems that trees face are tree pests. Pests that feast on trees can be highly destructive. Whether you’re talking about insects that eat the leaves, suck on sap, or even bore into the tree itself, if not caught and addressed, these infestations can become severe.
One of the ways that pests can be eradicated is with a service called soil drenching. In this article, we will dive into how drenching the soil a systemic treatment can help address pest problems in the landscape.
We will cover:
Why Are Pests Such a Problem?
What is Soil Drenching?
How Does Soil Drenching Work?
Promoting Optimal Tree Health
Choosing Tree Care Services in Louisville
Anytime that you’re dealing with a tree problem, the goal is to take care of it swiftly, before it can do too much damage.
After reading this article, you’ll be better educated on one way to address tree pests.
Every landscape is likely plagued with a number of pests and many of them are harmless. Unfortunately, there are also pests that can be highly destructive because they feed on trees.
Some examples include scale, aphids, and borer insects, to name just a few.
The trouble is, that many pest problems are difficult to identify until the issue has already become serious. While you might assume it’d be very noticeable that pests are feasting on your trees, it can actually be quite challenging to spot them. Most of the time homeowners notice the damage before they ever notice a pest.
It can help to have a tree care professional keeping a regular eye on your property in order to spot problems early on. Often there are preventative treatments available if you’ve had a known problem with a certain pest in the past.
Soil drenching is a method of applying a product directly to the soil so that the roots take up the chemicals and distribute them throughout the entire tree (in a process called translocation). This is very similar to injecting trees (as is often done in deep root fertilization), with the exception that the material is typically poured into the soil, as the name “drench” implies.
This can be a highly effective way to treat a pest that feeds from the tree trunk or branches (or bores into the trunk, as borer insects do).
We have used soil drenching to treat insects like scale, aphids, and borers (like the dreaded Emerald Ash Borer which can be devastating to Ash trees).
Scale bugs and aphids use their piercing-sucking mouthparts to drain fluid from plants. As this occurs you might notice that your plant leaves are drooping and wilting. Both pests can also produce honeydew after feeding on sap. If you see this sticky substance or you notice an influx of pests like ants and flies, there may be a tree pest feeding on your sap.
Borer insects, on the other hand, bore their way directly into the tree. Typically, the first sign that you have borers in trees is sawdust on or around your tree. This is left behind from when the borer ate its way inside. You’ll likely also see the holes that these insects create.
Soil drenching can be an effective way to manage all of these pests.
Soil drenches work once the pest is feeding on the tree but the timing of the application is important. Ideally, drenches can be used preventatively to avoid long periods of tree feasting.
Of course, if you are dealing with an existing problem (as is often the case), you might also want to incorporate a canopy spray that involves a product which kills pests on contact. There is a place for both of these types of treatments and they are commonly used together when needed.
There are other ways to manage tree pests, as well. Taking good care of your trees and promoting optimal health is always beneficial.
While we’re focused on talking about tree pests, we want to mention that plants are also subject to environmental stress. Simply existing in the residential landscape can be stressful for trees and shrubs.
Unlike the natural setting (the forest), where nutrients are readily available to trees and shrubs, your suburban landscape does not have as nutrient-rich soil as your trees and shrubs likely need to perform their best.
This is why we recommend investing in plant health care services that can help support better tree health.
But plant health care services will include fertilization treatments that provide your plants with vital nutrients. This will help them to perform better even when subject to extreme stress like heat, drought, wind, and more.
If you’ve experienced any signs of trouble with your trees, it’s definitely time to call in a pro. Symptoms like discoloration, leaf drop or wilting, holes in leaves or the trunk, sticky substances, and more can all be indicators that something is wrong…and that you may have pests lurking.
Of course, it’s better to not even wait until there’s trouble since you can often prevent tree and shrub pest problems by being proactive. As we’ve mentioned, plant health care can play a valuable role in preventing problems.
We can also use services like soil drenching to take a proactive approach or deal with known pests that have been giving you trouble.
A tree care professional can help you deal with other potential tree problems, as well. Besides pests, trees can also succumb to environmental stressors and disease.
But with an expert on your side, you can let go of these worries and instead get back to enjoying your property. You’ll be able to feel confident that insects, diseases, and other potential problems won’t stand in your way.
At Limbwalker, we take a proactive approach to tree and shrub care, aiming to prevent problems when we’re able to. We have strong horticultural knowledge and experience, allowing us to make recommendations in regard to what tree pests might be problems on what trees.
We believe that Plant Health Care is a valuable protective measure for your landscape. You never want to lose a tree or shrub, particularly to a problem that could be avoided or treated.
It all boils down to doing what’s best for your Louisville property. You deserve to be able to enjoy your landscape without worries.
If you’d like to learn more about plant health care for your Louisville home, get in touch, get your quote, and get back to enjoying your yard.