deep root ferilization

5 Benefits of Deep Root Fertilization

The trees on your Louisville property are a valuable asset. They provide benefits like shade, privacy, and aesthetic value. You want to do what you can to protect them while also supporting healthy growth and longevity.

One excellent way to achieve this is with deep root fertilization.

In this article, we will take a deep dive into the benefits of using fertilizer for tree roots.

These benefits include:

1. Overall improved health
2. Better resistance to problems
3. Improved aesthetics
4. Preventing liabilities 
5. A longer life

We will dive more into these benefits as well as how deep root fertilization works. We know it’s one of those services that people often don’t know much about and we want you to feel educated enough to make a decision that is best for your property.

What is Deep Root Fertilization?

Deep root fertilization involves injecting a blend of important nutrients deep into the soil. These are some of the nutrients which are found naturally in forest soil. Here in the suburban landscape, our soil is depleted of these nutrients.

This is quite different from simply dropping some surface-level fertilizer down or even using those DIY tree spikes that only go a couple of inches into the ground. 

With deep root fertilization, nutrients are injected 8 inches into the ground so that the roots are targeted. This is critical when it comes to delivering those nutrients where they’re needed. Fertilizing at the surface level is unlikely to reach deep down to the root zone so you might fail to get the full benefits of fertilization.

Plant health care technician fertilizing tree

What are the Benefits of Deep Root Fertilization?

You might be wondering whether tree root feeding is truly necessary. While your tree might survive without fertilization, it’s not going to lead as long or as healthy a life as it could have with proper fertilization.

When you do choose to invest in this service, there are some valuable benefits that you can anticipate in return. These include the following.

plant health care technician getting ready to fertilize tree

#1: Overall improved health

A properly fertilized tree is a healthier tree. When fertilizer is making it down to the root zone, you’ll ultimately grow stronger and healthier roots. Healthy roots = a healthy tree. 

Your tree’s roots are absolutely imperative to its overall health. They handle the transportation of water and nutrients into the rest of the tree.

#2: Better resistance to problems

The trees on your property are subject to a number of potential problems including various tree diseases and pests. But when your tree is well-fertilized, healthy, and thriving, it is going to be able to better resist these problems.

Whereas pests and diseases could easily ravage a tree that is already struggling, a healthy tree will also fare better in an attack. It will be able to better recover from injuries.

#3: Improved aesthetics

Another significant benefit of deep root fertilization is the overall improved appearance of your tree. You might notice that blooms are more vibrant or profuse and that your tree blooms for longer periods. You may also notice greener, larger, and overall healthier leaves.

In other words, your well-fertilized tree will just look healthier…because it is.

Having beautiful and thriving trees will have a direct impact on your home’s curb appeal and value. This adds up to protecting the long-term value of your Louisville home.

large tree with big branches

#4: Preventing liabilities

When a tree is healthy and thriving, it is also less likely to become a liability to your property. Trees that are declining can start to pose other risks such as dropping limbs or even falling. 

But when your tree is well-fertilized and healthy, it’s also less likely to cause you problems. Limbs will be strong and healthy. That also means improving their ability to resist weather incidents like thunderstorms and high winds.

#5: A longer life

You should also know that when you choose to invest in deep root fertilization that you are also improving the overall longevity of your tree’s life. A healthy and thriving tree is going to live longer. Given the value of your trees, that’s an incredibly important benefit.

Replacing trees is a hassle and a headache…not to mention being a costly endeavor. And it will take many, many years to regain the benefits of a mature tree like shade and privacy. You want to do what you can to protect the trees that you have now.

Nice Lawn Yard Home 2

The Timing of Fertilizer for Tree Roots

There are two times of the year when your trees benefit most from a Deep Root Fertilization service: Spring and Fall. Our services are seasonally adjusted for what your trees need at that time. 

In the Spring, we are using more nitrogen to promote shoot growth and that beautiful green color. Spring is an important time for deep root fertilization as this boost of nutrients plays a valuable role in new growth. Fertilizing your trees in the Spring will also help set them up for success in the coming Summer months. 

Summer can be a stressful time for trees as they have to deal with intense heat and drought conditions.

In the Fall, we’re applying more phosphorus and potassium to focus on root growth and set the tree up for maximum success as we head into the dormant season. 

By the Fall, your trees have become very depleted of nutrients and will need this boost to head into the Winter months. Fall fertilization also helps set your trees up for success as they come out of dormancy in the Spring.

With these two seasonal applications, deep root fertilization is a proactive step that will help protect the health and long-term success of your trees.

Keep in mind that the quality of the fertilizer will make all the difference in the results of this service. A professional is likely to be using higher quality, commercial-grade fertilization products that deliver better results than anything you could pick up at the hardware store. 

And as we’ve mentioned, it’s the injection of these materials deep into the soil that also makes a tremendous difference.

technician getting ready to fertilize tree roots

Choosing a Professional for Deep Root Fertilization

In order to get all of the benefits that we’ve discussed for deep root fertilization, it’s important that you’re working with a tree care professional that invests in high-quality products and services.

At Limbwalker, we’re using professional-grade tree fertilization products that will deliver the best results. We’re focusing on the correct distribution of the material and making sure that the product is taken up by the tree’s roots and dispersed throughout the entire tree. 

We also use Certified Arborists who are experts in the field of tree care. This helps ensure that you are truly getting exactly what your trees need to perform their best.

When you make the wise choice to invest in professional tree care, you can have peace of mind that you’re on the right path to success. Your Louisville trees will be performing better than ever and you can get back to enjoying your landscape to the fullest. 


If you’d like to learn more about tree services for your Louisville home, get in touch, get your quote, and get back to enjoying your yard.

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Chris O'Bryan

Chris O'Bryan

Chris grew up in Louisville, KY. He holds a Forestry degree from the The University of Kentucky and a Master's Degree in Economics from Clemson University. He is a Certified Arborist and 5-time Kentucky Tree Climbing Champion. When not at work, he has fun with his family, enjoys traveling, one-wheeling, and working in his yard.

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