As far as lawn menaces go, grubs are at the top of the list.
That’s because grub damage can quickly ravage a lawn. These grass-eating pests munch on your turf’s roots, causing your turf to ultimately die.
In worst-case-scenarios, large areas of your turf may roll up like a carpet!
Whether you know for certain that you have grubs, or you just want to do what you can to prevent them, you might be curious about grub control. One of the biggest problems with these pests is that you often don’t realize they’re underfoot until they’ve done a lot of damage.
That’s why we’re talking about how to get rid of grubs. When it comes to having a healthy and thriving lawn, you don’t want grubs to stand in your way.
Most people have heard of lawn grubs, and they understand that they’re a pest, but they don’t always know much more about them.
Grubs, which is the collective name for several species of beetles in the larval stage, are tiny c-shaped creatures that have the power to do a lot of damage to your lawn. Grubs have white/gray bodies and can be as large as two inches. They’d be noticeable if they weren’t buried in your lawn, feeding on grassroots at the sub-surface level.
A couple of grubs isn’t a big deal. But what is concerning is how quickly a large number of grubs can be destructive.
During the height of their activity, you might look at your lawn on Monday and not notice any brown patches. But if you have a grub problem brewing, by the end of the week you’ll begin to see signs of it.
You could quickly have bare patches all over your lawn where they’ve feasted. And, as we mentioned, in a worst-case-scenario, they can detach large sections of your lawn from its roots. It may even roll up like a carpet.
When this occurs, it can be thousands of dollars to repair a lawn that is totally destroyed by grubs.
Nobody wants to see their lawn destroyed by grubs. That’s why it’s better to deal with a lawn grub problem before it happens.
This can be achieved with preventative grub control.
Preventative grub control products work by addressing young grubs as they hatch. This is important so that grubs never get a chance to feast on your lawn.
Preventative grub control lasts all season but the application timing is important.
Obviously, these products need to be applied prior to hatching in order to be effective. the product will not be effective on older grubs and you will need to switch to a curative product.
As far as how to kill grubs in your yard (as in, they’ve already hatched), then you will need to apply a curative product that kills on contact. These products are more expensive and damage might already be done at this point.
That’s why the goal is always to be proactive.
If you are reading this article and you know that you already have significant grub damage, it would be worth talking to a lawn care professional about your best course of action.
Lawns that have been severely damaged by grub control may require reseeding to restore those areas where the lawn has died. Some homeowners even prefer to take the “instant lawn” route, and exploring sodding.
However, this can be a very expensive repair option.
The bottom line is that if you are investing in lawn care, it makes sense to invest in preventative grub control.
Think of it like a protection of your investment in your lawn’s health. The last thing that you want is all of your lawn care efforts to be undermined by a pest that could have been prevented.
While there are some lawn care companies that don’t get involved with grub control, we think it’s an important service that should be offered.
At Limbwalker, our Gold and Platinum programs include free grub control. Gold is our most popular program and a big part of that is the grub control and lawn fungus control treatments that are included.
Since grub damage can be a costly problem, we think it’s something worth investing in. It’s hard to have peace of mind about your lawn if you know there might be problems lurking at the sub-surface level.
That’s another reason why grub control should be implemented every year.
It’s one of those problems that is just not worth risking. While you might be “fine,” one year, that doesn’t mean you will be the next. If the beetles have laid eggs in your lawn’s soil during the course of the previous year, you could be looking at lawn damage by the fall.
Preventative grub control is a great way to gain peace of mind that grubs won’t end up decimating your precious lawn.
Are you ready to have a thick and healthy lawn that is protected from grubs at your Louisville, KY home? Get in touch with us to get a quote for our lawn care programs, which include three lawn care pricing options.