perimeter of outside of house

5 Questions to Ask a Perimeter Pest Control Company in Louisville Before Hiring Them

If you’re going to hire pest control, then you want to feel confident about choosing the right company. One way to do this is to perform some research ahead of time. We know that can sound daunting but simply spending some time looking into pest control services in Louisville, KY can pay off in the long run.

To help you get started, we’ve rounded up some questions to ask a pest control provider. 

These pest control questions and answers will not only help you feel confident you’re choosing the right company for your needs, but it will also give you a better understanding of what you’re investing in.

#1: How do your services work?

When you hire pest control, there’s a big difference between hiring an exterminator and hiring pest control services in Louisville, KY. One of the biggest benefits of perimeter pest control is that these services are performed outside of the home.

This means that you don’t have to be home for the service to be performed. 

Perimeter pest control works by using pest control products to create a “shield” around your property that prevents pests from entering in the first place. This is a proactive approach that helps to keep bugs out before they even have a chance to get in!

Of course, if you already have an existing infestation inside of the home, then exterminator services might be needed. You’ll first want to make sure that any serious interior pest problems are addressed. But perimeter pest control works great to prevent future issues.

exterior outside house

#2: What pests do you cover?

Another valuable pest control question is to ask what pests are covered by the program. You want to make sure that the pest control services cover the most common pests. While we can’t tell you what other pest control services in Louisville, KY cover, we can share what Limbwalker takes care of.

Our perimeter pest control service covers:

  • Ants
  • Fleas
  • Cockroaches
  • Centipedes
  • Millipedes
  • Spiders
  • Silverfish

These are some of the most common pests known to be lurking in and around Louisville homes.

house ant pests

#3: Are your pest control services safe?

One of the things that makes perimeter pest control a safer option is that the services are performed outside. That means you don’t have to worry about chemicals inside your house.

But another significant factor in whether or not perimeter pest control is safe is who is applying the products. 

At Limbwalker, we prioritize safety by employing highly trained professional pest control technicians who possess a deep understanding of the proper application techniques. This, in itself, enhances the safety of the process.

Well-trained technicians are adept at identifying specific areas on the property where product application will yield optimal results. Rather than indiscriminately covering the entire property, the focus is on targeted zones frequented by pests in their attempts to infiltrate. This strategic approach minimizes unnecessary product usage.


#4: What other steps can I take to pest-proof my house?

We believe the best way to keep pests out is with pest control services that put up a shield. But there are also steps that you can take yourself to add another layer of protection. 

These recommendations include:

  • Find and eliminate entry points: Pests are typically coming into homes via cracks and holes that they can slip through. Patching holes in screens, installing weather stripping around doors, and sealing up any cracks can help keep pests out.
  • Keep your property tidy: Pay attention to landscaping around the foundation of your home as this is a spot where pests might make their way inside. For instance, keep leaves cleaned up in plant beds around the foundation. You can also keep shrubs neatly trimmed. Pests love to hide so any effort to reduce hiding spots can help.
  • Inspect packages: Believe it or not, many pests also hitch a ride inside on cardboard packages left sitting outside. Roaches, in particular, like cardboard because they’ll also eat it (they digest the cardboard fibers for nutrients!). You should also check packages before bringing them in. 

family inside kitchen

#5: Where can I learn more about your company?

Finally, you can also ask pest control services in Louisville, KY where you can find out more about them. Simply spending some time on a company’s website is typically a great way to learn more about other services they offer and what the company is all about.

Look to see whether a company has helpful content such as a blog and other resources.

We also recommend looking for companies that have good social proof via testimonials and third-party review sites like Google Reviews. 


Your Wise Choice in Pest Control Services in Louisville, KY

When it comes to choosing pest control in Louisville, KY, you have options. But it’s important to recognize that not all services are the same. You want to make sure that you choose a company that has your best interest at heart.

One way to ensure that happens is to find out more about companies with pest control questions like these.

We’d love for you to consider Limbwalker as one of your options. We’re happy to answer any questions that you have about our services.

At the end of the day, it’s important that you feel you’re choosing a company that is going to deliver you the best results. Only then will you gain the peace of mind that you’re after.

At Limbwalker, our Perimeter Pest Control services get good results on common pests like spiders, ants, and more. We have an effective program that ultimately saves homeowners money as they can avoid paying to correct a more costly infestation. It also allows them to keep these services limited to the outdoors, which we know is preferred.

By allowing us to create a shield around your home, you can effectively keep these unwanted pests outside where they belong. That means you can get back to enjoying life more fully without worries!

Are you ready to stop worrying about unwanted pests at your Louisville, KY home? Get in touch with us to get a quote for our perimeter pest control services.

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Chris O'Bryan

Chris O'Bryan

Chris grew up in Louisville, KY. He holds a Forestry degree from the The University of Kentucky and a Master's Degree in Economics from Clemson University. He is a Certified Arborist and 5-time Kentucky Tree Climbing Champion. When not at work, he has fun with his family, enjoys traveling, one-wheeling, and working in his yard.

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