Spring Lawn Care Checklist: Don't Forget These 4 Things

The official beginning of the lawn care season is in February and March, when the very earliest hints of spring occur.  You’ve probably heard us say before that there is “optimal timing” for various lawn care tasks. The start of these tasks begin just after the near year.

We understand that you might not know what tasks are important. If you’re paying for professional lawn care services, you want to know that your lawn is getting everything it needs. 


That’s why we’ve put together this spring lawn maintenance checklist for Louisville, KY homeowners so that you can make sure all the necessary boxes are checked. This will help you understand what to do for your lawn in spring.

Spring Lawn Care Checklist

Getting the most out of your lawn care often does boil down to performing the right lawn care services at the right times.

Here are some of the important tasks that should be on your list for spring lawn care.

✔Pre-emergent Crabgrass Control

A big part of the crabgrass control strategy involves preventing it in the first place. This can be achieved with a product called pre-emergent. Some people also refer to this as a “crabgrass preventer.”

Crabgrass pre-emergents work by creating a thin barrier at the surface of the soil that will intercept crabgrass germination. This will help reduce the amount of crabgrass in your lawn. 


But this is a critical task to have on your early spring lawn care checklist. As you might have guessed, a big key to the success of crabgrass preventer products is application timing. The best time to apply pre-emergent products is in the early spring, prior to germination. That last part is essential. If the crabgrass has already germinated, the barrier won’t do any good.

✔Lawn Fertilization

Lawn fertilization is all about supplying your lawn with vital nutrients that it needs to perform its best.

Lawn fertilization is such an important service that we perform it during all six of our lawn care visits.

As far as fertilization as part of lawn care for the spring, it helps provide an important boost of nutrients at a time when grass is just coming out of dormancy. Your grass needs those nutrients to thrive during this active growing period.

For clients who want the greenest lawn in the neighborhood, we apply granulated iron in the spring and early summer to improve and darken the chlorophyll in the grass leaves. This deep, dark green option is only available with our Platinum program.

✔Spring Weed Control

Your spring lawn care plans should also include additional springtime weed control. For one, you’ll need post-emergent crabgrass control for any breakthrough that wasn’t covered by the pre-emergent controls in early spring. 

But this also includes attacking any broadleaf weeds that might have popped up throughout the lawn. Unfortunately we have a lot of invasive weeds growing here in Louisville.

While it’s important to have an arsenal of weed control products that can attack different varieties of weeds, people don’t always know that simply having a thick and healthy lawn can also be an effective weed control strategy. 

This is why it’s so important to not only focus on spring lawn care, but to use a comprehensive lawn care program with other vital services like lawn fertilization, disease control, and grub prevention.

When your lawn is thick and healthy, it makes it more challenging for weeds to invade.

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✔Watering your Lawn

It’s also important that you add watering to your spring lawn maintenance checklist. While proper watering seems like a simple aspect of lawn care, it’s critical when it comes to getting the best results. 

Lawns typically need around 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week. When Mother Nature isn’t supplying this in the form of rain, you’ll need to use supplemental watering to make up for it. 

Typically, watering each zone for around a half hour twice a week should help you meet that goal. Obviously, the rate at which the water comes out is a factor to consider (and will differ depending on what you’re using). You can use a rain gauge to also get a sense of how much water is being applied during your watering sessions to make sure you’re on target.


Get Set Up for Success

Obviously, the focus of this article was on spring lawn care, but your lawn has different needs at different times of the year…and all of them are important. Spring tends to get a lot of focus because it’s a time when our lawns are just starting to green-up again and we’re spending more time outside. 

But, your lawn will also need proper care at other times of the year in order to consistently produce great results. 

While that can get burdensome for you, the good news is that you can hand all of your lawn care worries over to a pro who will handle them for you. 

In fact, a professional will know exactly what your lawn needs and when it needs it!

At Limbwalker, we simplify the process for you by offering lawn care programs that have everything your lawn needs to perform its best. You’ll no longer have to worry about any lawn care checklists to complete and will simply be able to feel confident your lawn is getting everything it needs.


Are you ready to have a thick and healthy lawn that’s getting everything it needs at your Louisville, KY home? Get in touch with us to get a quote for our lawn care programs, which include three lawn care pricing options.

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Chris O'Bryan

Chris O'Bryan

Chris grew up in Louisville, KY. He holds a Forestry degree from the The University of Kentucky and a Master's Degree in Economics from Clemson University. He is a Certified Arborist and 5-time Kentucky Tree Climbing Champion. When not at work, he has fun with his family, enjoys traveling, one-wheeling, and working in his yard.

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