We find that while most people have a good understanding of what lawn care is all about, they don’t always know much about plant health services or why they’re important.
In fact, we find that people sometimes assume that (once planted), landscape plants are mostly self-sustaining.
But this isn’t the case at all. Just like your lawn, your landscape needs some TLC to continue to perform their best.
In this article, we’ll help you to understand what plant and tree health care is all about and why it’s a valuable investment.
Put simply, plant health services combine fertilization, pest control, and disease control into a program that will help care for your landscape.
We know that Louisville homeowners don’t always give their plants much thought…unless there is a problem. Then, people want to know what they can do to fix an issue.
This is where plant health services are so valuable. In many cases, plant health care can PREVENT problems from occuring in the first place. That’s a big deal as problems generally cost at least twice as much (if not more) than simply investing in routine care.
You have to consider the fact that plants can succumb to problems (like pests and diseases) and end up dying. Now, you’ve got a hole in your landscape and will have to invest in new plant material to fill it. If it was an ornamental tree or shrub, that can be a costly fix.
And even when you do replace that tree or shrub, you still might have a hole that isn’t quite filled right if it was a mature plant that died.
We understand that you want to know, how do I protect my plants?
Plant health care includes treatments that help protect plants from three main sources of health problems:
Here’s how.
Did you know there are more than 25 common plant diseases that we see commonly pop up in the Louisville landscape? Diseases like Powdery Mildew, Root Rot, and Anthracnose can really wreak havoc on your trees and shrubs.
These diseases can cause cosmetic damage to your plants which an make them ugly and mangled. But even worse, they can lead to more severe problems that cause them to decline and die!
Fortunately, if you’re investing in plant health services, then your landscape is receiving treatments that will help prevent many diseases. Or, if a disease pops up, then you’ll be able to get a quick treatment underway. Many diseases can be prevented with proactive care.
There are also many plant-destroying pests lurking in the landscape. In fact, there are 55 common ones that we see frequently in the Louisville landscape.
But plant health care includes protection from mites, bagworms, scale, Emerald Ash Borer, and other insects. A customized program can be developed based on your landscape.
For instance, Boxwoods, Spruces, Hemlocks, and Arborvitae are known to be commonly attacked by mites, bagworms, and other pests. If leaves are stippling or turning colors, it’s possible that they are being attacked by something.
Finally, simply existing in the residential landscape can be stressful for landscape plants like trees and shrubs.
Unlike the natural setting (the forest), where nutrients are readily available to trees and shrubs, your suburban landscape does not have as nutrient-rich soil as your trees and shrubs likely need to perform their best.
But plant health care services will include fertilization treatments that provide your plants with vital nutrients. This will help them to perform better even when subject to extreme stress like heat, drought, wind, and more.
Ensuring that your plants receive fertilization has also been shown to have some key benefits. Some of the benefits might include:
As we’ve said before, we like to think of plant health services as a protection of your investment in your landscape. Your plants were probably not cheap and now that they’ve grown and matured, they also aren’t easily replaceable.
When you invest in plant health care services, you can ultimately save yourself the time, aggravation, and money involved in having to replace trees and shrubs that have died. When plants are properly protected, you can save yourself from a lot of hassles and headaches of dealing with landscape problems.
You’ll also now have a plant health care expert on your side, helping make valuable recommendations in regard to the ongoing care of your landscape. This means letting go of worries associated with diseases, pests, and other problems, and knowing that your landscape is in good hands.
Of course, problems can arise, even with healthy plants. We’ve always been clear that our plant health care program is not a “magic bullet” or a cure. There are some diseases that cannot be fixed.
However, many can…and plant health care can make a huge difference.
You deserve to be able to enjoy your landscape without the worries. When you invest in plant health care, you can gain valuable peace of mind.
If you’d like to learn more about plant health care for your Louisville home, get in touch, get your quote, and get back to enjoying your yard.